Read the latest dog training and behaviour guides, tips and tricks from Paul Lasky, your trusted Essex based dog trainer.
Reasons I would refuse a puppy from a breed
Remember a dog is with you for 10 to 15 years! Take your time.
Read my list of reasons for not buying a puppy and move on to a different breeder you are happy with.
Not all Puppy Plans are equal
Paul Lasky Puppy Plans!
It is not a replacement for classes. Classes are not a replacement for puppy plans. They both have great value.
Is your dog really better off than a street dog?
On holiday in Mexico I had the opportunity to watch some street dogs and some pet dogs who had the freedom to go out in the street. These observations made me think about how lucky these dogs were to express their natural behaviours with much more freedom than their counterparts in countries like the UK. Which type of life is actually the better quality of life?
Critical Puppy Socialisation Window
Firstly, well done for reading this, the good news is your puppy is most susceptible to learning good habits up to the age of around 16 weeks! So, you thought you would just chill for a few weeks until puppy classes start? Scientifically this isn't best practice.