Read the latest dog training and behaviour guides, tips and tricks from Paul Lasky, your trusted Essex based dog trainer.
Why Does My Dog Pull So Much? - Tip of the day
How do I stop my dog pulling? Are you asking the wrong question? Doesn’t that focus on the problem of pulling?
Could you ask instead?…How do I get my dog to focus on me a more?
Train your dog or use a long line whilst on walks
If your dog runs away from you to greet other dogs and you cannot call them back. How can you guarantee that your dog will be safe? Read my list on what to consider whilst out on walks.
How to walk your Adult dog
A lot of people make the mistake of giving in to the dogs excitement and getting out of the door as quickly as possible, because the dog is so irate with glee. Unfortunately, this can set the entire tone for the walk.
How to walk your puppy
Dogs can find going out stimulating and at times scary, being aware of this, is even more important with puppies. Chasing traffic, barking at other dogs and not wanting to go for a walk at all. As my dog training career has progressed this subject has become very close to my heart. Here are some top tips for more enjoyable walks for both you and your puppy.